Friday, September 10, 2010

back to past.

i can feel it again, rising up from my core..
that bad feeling of being alone, and useless. where everything is coming at me at once and i just know I'm not going to be able to handle it.
i hate to admit that I'm jealous.. but i am jealous of every body's happiness. its not fair that everyone around me has things together, and i cant hold on to anything. the smug smile's on their faces makes me want to puke. it strikes the rage i tried to bury but it comes up all the time now. boiling and ready to spew! i cant take it out on anybody but myself and that's not good. "not healthy" is probably the better term.
i don't want people to feel sorry for me, that just makes things worse.

Friday, September 3, 2010

"this is the last night.."

yep. that's right. the last night here on connell rd. i haven't even tried going to bed yet cause I'm certain i wont be able to sleep. plus Rachel is in there so i wouldn't be able to enjoy it anyways.. no offense, I've just gotten so used to sleeping alone.
i still can't get the idea to sink in my head that we are really moving. its exciting, scary frustrating... every emotion all at once. all these people , friends and family, are coming to help us move tomorrow. don't get me wrong I'm grateful, but.. I'd rather them not help. i just have a thing about people touching our stuff, my stuff. i also don't want them to see the ugly mess this house had become. literally and metaphorically.
i don't want to elaborate ..sorry.
i have the time, just not the energy nor the words to express every thought in my head; everything spins so fast its hard to grab on to anything. when i grab onto something, I'll head back and elaborate. now I'm going to shut the lights off and try to sleep. 
 nighty night.